Our trip to Kings Canyon last week was just about perfect. Yes, it was hotter than Hades down in that canyon, but we had the icy Kings River as coolant every afternoon, and the Sentinel Campground is the nicest campground we have ever. enjoyed--quiet, spacious, and well-maintained.

Which is why it was such a disappointment to come back to our campsite one day to discover that some idiot had helped himself to the little step that we use to get in and our of our van, Le Vin Blanc, as well as two of the levelling blocks we use to...well, to level the van. The net value of these items can't be more than $25, but it is certainly the thought that counts. And some a$$hole thought it would be a good idea to take them.
You might even argue that he thought we had abandoned them--except that we had left a tablecloth on the table, water jugs near the bear box, and a bear box itself that was full of gear. (You can see both the step and one of the blocks in the photo above, taken one snowy morning at Navajo National Monument in Arizona.)
The rangers could not have been more understanding and sympathetic, as were a number of our fellow campers who heard about it. Maybe the only person who wasn't sympathetic or helpful was the jerk who took the stuff.
We can only hope that Karma has something in store for him. Or in this case, maybe Vanma.